Its like a wedge met an oxford and formed the perfect summer shoe. The color makes me drool, the cork lined sole makes me comfortable, and because I don’t have to tie the laces (just unzip the back and slide in), for me its love at first sight.
Picture it with shorts. Picture it with dresses. Picture it with rolled skinnies. How about flowy tops, or BIG WIDE bellbottom pants, or layered necklaces and boho earrings?
Frolic in the park, walk down the street, go get groceries but be prepared - compliments are coming.
Do you remember Sam Edelman from the 1980’s? He formed the line Sam & Libby, and I owned enough that my husband thought I was an investor. I always wondered what happened to him when I couldn’t find the brand any longer.
Thank you, Mr. Edelman. Thank you for coming back into our lives.
Posted By Meera
MissMeers Eugene
This is pretty cute! But my perfect summer shoe was snagged from your store over the weekend: